
What's Happening in Your Grade in August?

Welcome to KINDERGARTEN! We are so excited to be starting a new year! This month in kindergarten we will be doing assessments, exploring our school, learning each other’s names and working in our ABC books.

Welcome to FIRST GRADE! We are excited to spend a WHOLE day at school with you this year! We will spend our first few weeks learning routines and procedures, enjoying lunch, and making new friends. As your first grader gets ready for this transition, start establishing routines at home now to make long term success. Some habits are: eating breakfast, getting to school on time, reading time, homework time, a study area, and getting to bed on time. Setting routines early will help your child to develop good habits.

SECOND GRADERS are off to a great start!  This month they will learn how to write more effectively using “Who, What, Where, When and Why”.  They will focus on the writing process learning about characters, setting, problems and solutions.  Additionally, they will work on punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure, nouns and pronouns.  In Math, they will learn about odd and even whole numbers and place value to 1000.  They will learn the associative and commutative properties as well as addition and subtraction strategies.  We will also learn about plants. animals and seasons.

The THIRD GRADE is excited to start off another school year at Foothills Elementary!  We are excited to meet our new students and parents!  Teamwork is the key this year amongst the parents, teachers and students.  We are so glad that we get to work with you and be part of your team.  Let's give a cheer for  a great school year!!!!

Welcome back to school and welcome to FOURTH GRADE.  We are looking forward to a great year!  Please continue practicing your multiplication facts--you will need to know these this year.  Remember to be to school on time every day so our classes can earn a lot of rewards for our attendance.  Parents, please check your child's planner every night so you know what homework to expect.  We are excited to get to know you and your child.

We are all excited about starting the 2011-2012 FIFTH GRADE school year. In fifth grade the kids get the opportunity to join Safety Patrol, graduate DARE, earn the Young American Award, and learn new curriculum. We focus on responsibility and accountability to prepare the kids for the year's ahead. We can't wait to get started!

SIXTH GRADE is up and running!  We jumped right into curriculum on the first day! Our new math program this year is going to require clear teaching, student dedication, and parent support.  We really stress student responsibility.  Students are to use their planners effectively, follow through on all assignments, and work hard to earn good grades.  We have a lot of fun activities planned this year, (Western Dance, Mustang Market, Star Party, Guidance, Crash activities,  field trip, etc.) to go along with all our hard work!   Thanks for your support!