FIRST GRADE we've been busy singing our hearts out for our program! Our first grade program will be in March. Because of limited seating, we want to invite or encourage grandparents and other extended family to attend one of our final rehearsals. Our family rehearsal will be on Tuesday, March 22 at 11:00 am in the gym. We will also be performing for the school on Wednesday, March 23 at 2:00 p.m. in the gym. Our parent night for the program will be Thursday, March 24 at 6:30. Watch your child's backpack for notes with information. We are also spending some time learning about weather. The saying "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" takes on meaning as we study the changes from winter to fall and see how wind affects things. It is fun to see the changes that are happening in our first graders as they are slowly changing into second graders!
March is just around the corner for
SECOND GRADERS and we are all waiting for SPRING to come in. Tracks A & B want to thank parents for coming to conferences. Tracks C & D will be scheduling their Parent Teacher Conferences soon. Look on the on-line scheduler for set up your appointment time. The book fair will also be open during the conferences. In Math we will be learning more about fractions and geomentry as well as continuing with adding and subtracting with regrouping. Somethings we will be studying St. Patricks Day, Dr. Suess' Birthday and the upcoming season of Spring with our reading and writing activities. If you have any questions, contact your child's teacher.
THIRD GRADE Erin Go Braugh!!!! That means Ireland forever. Happy March to all our parents. We enjoyed seeing A and B track at conferences and will soon see C and D. Our school fundraiser was "Pennies For Patients" and many of the students donated their own money from their piggy banks to help kids that have Leukemia. In Miss Gilan's class Garrett Pusey was made an honorary Herriman/Riverton police officer. Garrett's class also made blankets that they donated to help people in need at the police department. Our character trait this month is "cooperation," we look forward to showing how the 3rd grade excels at this trait. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Geometry, weather, and county reports are a few of the things
FOURTH GRADERS will be doing in March. Some will also be working on becoming great writers. The Church History Museum will be teaching us more about pioneers on March 14. C and D tracks will be holding Parent Teacher Conferences on March 16-17. Make sure you sign up for an appointment. May the luck 'o the Irish be with you this month.
FIFTH GRADERS have been busily preparing to take the Direct Writing Assessment. Half of the 5th graders took the test in February, the other half will take the test in March. Thank you to Mrs. Onederra for helping our students out with their persuasive writing. We have been studying fractions, fractions and more fractions in math. In Science we have been studying Chemical and Physical Change and also Heredity. We have also been learning so much about the Civil War.
SIXTH GRADE celebrated Dr. Seuss Day (March 2) a little early this year. The students became acquainted with Dr. Seuss books along with fun activities from each 6th grade teacher as they rotated through. Peanut butter sculptures, fish origami, Cat in the Hat activities, book discussions, art activities, etc. were all a part of this fun day!