
Foothills Drop-off Procedures Reminder

(click on image to view full size)
For the safety of Foothills Students the following drop-off guidelines have been established:

1. Have only one lane to pull into for drop-off and pick-up adjacent to the curb. Close off the left, or outside, lane with cones or light barricade to prevent parents from passing stopped cars and pulling into open spaces. This will also stop double parking for drop-off. Use the left outside lane for unloaded cars to pull into to exit the lot area. Parents will need to have more patience, but it may save a child's life or prevent an accident.

2. Parents NEED to have their kids ready to unload as soon as they get to the load/unload zone to lower delay time. Do what needs to be done at home (eat breakfast, comb hair, check homework, fill backpacks, give hugs and kisses) not in the load/unload lane. Many parents are waiting.

3. Parents need to stay in their cars while dropping off and picking up in the load/unload lane. Parents who exit their vehicle in the exit lane may cause an accident and delays. For those younger students needing assistance, older siblings should exit first and then assist, or have parents park in the north lot and walk their kids across to the front sidewalk.

4. Parents should not allow their kids to exit the vehicle into a travel lane, specifically the left side of the vehicle. This is extremely hazardous and may lead to a child being hit.

5. Encourage parents with older students to drop-off and pick-up on Shaggy Peak Dr. west of the school or at the park to the south of the school. This would decrease some congestion in the north lot.

6. Encourage parents to leave earlier to drop-off in the morning. With construction in the general area, delays may occur which may lead parents to be "in a hurry." This usually leads to an accident. (It appears that most traffic comes 5 minutes before the bell rings.)

For this and other Foothills Rules see the official school website.

Please remember that you should never drop-off children in the North parking lot.