
Teachers Seeing Benefits of Box Tops

Hey - - cut that out and bring it in! The Box Tops and Campbell's Labels Fall Contest started Aug 22nd! It will end at the start of school on October 7th! Get your scissors out and get clipping Box Tops and Campbell's Labels! Glue/staple the Box Tops and Labels to collection sheets or simply put them in a ziploc bag and turn them in to your teacher! (Links to Box Top collection sheets and Campbell's Labels product lists can be found at the Foothills PTA website.) The winning class will receive mini-pumpkins. (Feel free to ask your grandparents and other relatives to help your class win!)

UPDATE: The teachers at Foothills Elementary were recently told they each get to spend $2 per student (in their class this year) on whatever they choose. Your children get the reward from all your hard work cutting and collecting Box Tops! As the teachers spend their money we will report to you what each teacher purchases for their classroom. Here's what teachers have purchased so far:

The 1st Grade Team: Literacy Books to use with Common Core
Shumway (1st grade): Chinese books
Eastman (2nd grade): Labels, two pocket folders for centers and writing workshop, ziploc bags, candy/cereal for math and the class store
Burnett (2nd grade): Craft supplies, school supplies, treats for incentives
Craven (2nd grade): Time Manipulatives and other math helps
Adams (2nd grade): Extra crayons & scissors for rotations; incentives for behavior
Alm (5th grade): Folders, notebooks, crayons, colored pencils, glue sticks and items for the Friday's Drawings
Kovacs (5th grade): Greek & Latin root workbook, cursive workbook, incentive charts & other classroom items
Stirland (6th grade): Crayons, incentives, science materials, instructional media