Winter is here! We hope the following information will help you as you plan to drop off or pick up your students and dress them appropriately for school recess and activities.
- The School Community Council has set the temperature standard for 20 degrees to move all activities and recess to inside the school. We also monitor the wind-chill and air quality.
- Your students should dress for outside recess. Students should have warm coats, hats, gloves and boots. They will be outside in light snow and temperatures above 20 degrees (although recess time may be reduced). Please put names in your students' outdoor clothing. We will return lost items if we can determine who the items belong to.
- Traffic during the winter waether is specially problematic. Please only drop of pick up your students after you have moved past the crosswalk in the front of the school. The small accommodation will keep traffic moving forward. Once your student is out of the car please move forward - say goodbyes and give your kisses before you leave home.
- Supervision for students int he morning disrupts teacher's prep time on an inside morning and we do not provide outside supervision until 8:15.